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Spring Tool Suite Download For Mac

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  1. Tool Suite Download

Spring Tool Suite is a toolkit for modern-day developers. It comes packed with the most advanced tooling available for enterprise OSGi development. It also provides support for all the common Java EE application servers, VMware vFabric tc Server, and lots of IDE integrations. Spring Tool Suite is a free Eclipse-based integrated development environment designed to help you create applications based on the Spring framework. The app comes with a wide array of Eclipse features plus complete support for implementing, running and debugging your Spring software apps.

This tutorial will show you how to build a simple web app using Spring Framework and STS (Spring Tool Suite). It's a beginner guide and it will help you if you are new to Spring or STS.

NOTE: This tutorial requires Spring STS to be installed and configured with Eclipse IDE. If you haven't done this step yet please read Install Spring STS in Eclipse first.

What is Spring Boot

This tutorial uses Spring Boot to create a simple web-app with running on embedded Tomcat server.

Spring Boot is Spring's solution for creating stand-alone applications that are easy to build and run. It uses preconfigured Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started within minutes. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration. This particular example does not need any configuration at all.

Features of Spring Boot:

  • Create stand-alone Spring applications
  • Embed Tomcat or Jetty directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
  • Provide POM file to simplify your Maven configuration
  • Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
  • Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalized configuration
  • Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration

Create New Spring Starter Project

1. Start Eclipse and go to File -> New -> Other… or press Ctrl+N on your keyboard

In the search field type 'spring'. This will list several Spring options. The one we need for this tutorial is 'Spring Starter Project'. Select it and confirm with 'Next' button

2. Use the setting shown in the screenshot below.

Avery 5160 template mac download free

Choose a name for your project. Select Maven as build tool, JAR packaging and your Java version.

Under Package type the package name. Artifact is the name of the JAR file you are going to build. For example if you use springexample as artifact the final JAR file will be called springexample.jar

Spring starter project settings

3. In 'New Spring Starter Project Dependencies' window select Web.

If you can't find it in the list, use the search field and type into it 'web'

Confirm with 'Finish' button. STS will create the project for you and download all needed dependencies.

4. Once the project is created you will see one main Java class called, one Java class for testing purposes, empty properties file, a Maven POM file and 2 files to execute the application from command line. In the screenshot below you will see on the left the project structure and the content of the main class on the right.

Spring Boot web-project structure

Run Your Spring Boot Application


Choose a name for your project. Select Maven as build tool, JAR packaging and your Java version.

Under Package type the package name. Artifact is the name of the JAR file you are going to build. For example if you use springexample as artifact the final JAR file will be called springexample.jar

Spring starter project settings

3. In 'New Spring Starter Project Dependencies' window select Web.

If you can't find it in the list, use the search field and type into it 'web'

Confirm with 'Finish' button. STS will create the project for you and download all needed dependencies.

4. Once the project is created you will see one main Java class called, one Java class for testing purposes, empty properties file, a Maven POM file and 2 files to execute the application from command line. In the screenshot below you will see on the left the project structure and the content of the main class on the right.

Spring Boot web-project structure

Run Your Spring Boot Application

Right-click your project, go to 'Run As' and select 'Spring Boot App'

This will bootstrap the embedded Tomcat server, deploy your app and map the URLs. In Eclipse console you will see an output similar to this one:

Once the application is started, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080

You will see a page labeled 'Whitelabel Error Page'. This is totally fine. Don't worry. It indicates that the server is started, but there is no mapping available for URL '/'. We will fix this in the next step.

Spring whitelabel error page

Create a Request Mapping

Now, to be able to see some 'meaningful' content under http://localhost:8080 we need to change the code of a bid. First annotate the class with @Controller annotation. Second create a request mapping to URL '/' – this will map the home() method to this URL. In other words when the browser makes a GET request to http://localhost:8080 it will be served by this method. Finally to be able to return a response to the browser you need to annotate the home() method with @ResponseBody. You will find all the changes below:

Relaunch the Spring Boot App

Before you can see the changes you just did in the previous step you need to redeploy you changed app. To achieve this use the 'Spring relaunch button' shown on the screenshot below

Now go to your browser and refresh the page. You should see the string our home() method returns on the screen

Program output

Complete source code of the project can be found in our GitHub repo under:

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